Ability to chose hardstanding pitches on all sites

AandJ replied on 08/09/2021 17:47

Posted on 08/09/2021 17:47

I want the club to look at giving members the option to chose hard standing or grass pitch on the sites where standard pitches can be either or. 
This season I have experienced problems on a few popular sites whereby I’ve booked a standard pitch with awning only to turn up (at a reasonable time 2-3pm) to find there are only grass pitches left. With a 4.5 tonne Motorhome this makes me Cringe. With all the rain we’ve had grass pitches have been really soft and twice we’ve had to get off using mud runners. 
I’ve also seen many other Motorhome sand larger caravans struggling to stop wheels sinking in or awning being like mud pools. There have been several reviews around on some of these sites were members have stated they’ve booked a std pitch with awning expecting hardstanding, as on sites that are all hardstanding, only to turn up to be told only grass left and these have been very wet and several not fit for purpose. 
The sites that I experienced problems with and heard from other members that have major issues are, Tewkesbury, Hurn Lane, Seacroft, Hill Head and Gowerton. There are probably others. 
I know some people like grass and that’s fine, but if that’s the case let them book them and let those of us who literally hate them cos they are not suitable for modern caravans or Motorhome chose hard standing. 
I don’t even mind paying a bit more for hard standing but I do object to paying the same for a poor quality, inferior, soggy under sized grass pitch ( lots of these at Tewkesbury and Hurn Lane ) . It should be personal choice so give us that choice and I think you might find there’s a drop in bookings at these sites, perhaps that’s why you don’t put in in the information options. 
Of course the best option would be to do away with soggy grass pitches and make them hard standing or at least increase the proportion of hard standing . So come on CAMC give us the option on all sites so that we’re all getting the same value for our money and not getting Stuck in the Mud which is we’re the club seems to be .

AandJ replied on 09/09/2021 10:29

Posted on 09/09/2021 09:28 by JVB66

May this year was the wettest month on record ,which when using as an example for apart from not being equipped for the vagaries of the worlds weather now let alone the uk . is not doing your case for special treatment for motor caravans by saving hardstands for them if booked on a site much goodundecided

Posted on 09/09/2021 10:29

Think you and a few others have missed the point totally.

Not asking for special treatment for motorhomes, asking only for choice for ALL to book Hard standing where Standard pitches are the only option on the system but in reality are a mix of hard standing and grass and the system doesn’t let you choose. If there were only grass left I would not book and look for something else or commercial site. This means all members are not offered the same equality of choice.

It would also help the earlier arrivals rush, to get hard standing, and the morning dance as the wardens call it of people all moving from grass to hard standing the next day so by the time new arrivals get there yet again no hard standing left. 

The whys and were fors are irrelevant here as are peoples driving / pitching skills (everyone is a newby and  start & learn at some point) we did this 12  years ago and most members were helpful not critical or sarcastic.
Please let’s stick to the point and keep it friendly, oops that’s the other club 😂😂





tricia11 replied on 09/09/2021 10:32

Posted on 09/09/2021 10:29 by AandJ

Think you and a few others have missed the point totally.

Not asking for special treatment for motorhomes, asking only for choice for ALL to book Hard standing where Standard pitches are the only option on the system but in reality are a mix of hard standing and grass and the system doesn’t let you choose. If there were only grass left I would not book and look for something else or commercial site. This means all members are not offered the same equality of choice.

It would also help the earlier arrivals rush, to get hard standing, and the morning dance as the wardens call it of people all moving from grass to hard standing the next day so by the time new arrivals get there yet again no hard standing left. 

The whys and were fors are irrelevant here as are peoples driving / pitching skills (everyone is a newby and  start & learn at some point) we did this 12  years ago and most members were helpful not critical or sarcastic.
Please let’s stick to the point and keep it friendly, oops that’s the other club 😂😂





Posted on 09/09/2021 10:32

Agree on choice. It always used to be available.

AandJ replied on 09/09/2021 10:35

Posted on 09/09/2021 09:30 by Cornersteady

Any pitch out of use will be lost income and how long does it take for a pitch to recover? Much easier to have HS as that won't need to happen and no lost income and all round year use.

Regarding what causes it I don't think it's mostly due to wheel spin at all but as Steve was saying, and I've seen, is the effects of having a dead grass area due to multiple awnings on the same spot for the whole summer. Again HS won't be affected.

I think as the demand for more year round touring increases more HS will be needed.



Posted on 09/09/2021 10:35

Thank you a common sense answer that recognises issues of income streams, what effects the grass and the changing market of members and the requirements for all year round touring which maximises income from members 

JVB66 replied on 09/09/2021 10:44

Posted on 09/09/2021 10:29 by AandJ

Think you and a few others have missed the point totally.

Not asking for special treatment for motorhomes, asking only for choice for ALL to book Hard standing where Standard pitches are the only option on the system but in reality are a mix of hard standing and grass and the system doesn’t let you choose. If there were only grass left I would not book and look for something else or commercial site. This means all members are not offered the same equality of choice.

It would also help the earlier arrivals rush, to get hard standing, and the morning dance as the wardens call it of people all moving from grass to hard standing the next day so by the time new arrivals get there yet again no hard standing left. 

The whys and were fors are irrelevant here as are peoples driving / pitching skills (everyone is a newby and  start & learn at some point) we did this 12  years ago and most members were helpful not critical or sarcastic.
Please let’s stick to the point and keep it friendly, oops that’s the other club 😂😂





Posted on 09/09/2021 10:44

It was you that used the Wetest month on record as an example ,there was nothing  in my post that was sarcastic ,we have had two motor caravans ,so do know at times it can be a "problem" for some, even on just damp grass ,but the as the majority of M/cs are on a Sevel comercial vehicle base the nose down attitude of them ,usually requires ramps to make them level which gives a good start when moving offwink

AandJ replied on 09/09/2021 11:09

Posted on 09/09/2021 10:07 by DavidKlyne

BB said:-

If the club is to allow pitch type selection, it has to be sure it can offer a suitable product to all customers...its no good selling grass pitches to those that prefer them on sites that clearly cant support winter MH traffic.

in this case, it would need advance planning to withdraw grass pitches from sale from a specific date (would vary on each site base on warden local knowledge) so that customers don't arrive to unsuitable pitches.

I think this already happens on those sites with a mix of grass and hardstandings. We have been to Seacroft several times in October and always booked a serviced pitch to make sure we have a hardstanding only to learn that grass pitches are taken out of action from the 1st October!!! It would help if the Club told us this in advance? If the ability to book a pitch type becomes a reality surely the Club are going to have to decide in advance when those pitches will be available and block them out accordingly on the booking page?

As an aside I just don't understand why some in this discussion question why some of us prefer using a hardstanding pitch. The problem is I suspect that those that prefer grass  are the ones that want to keep the option open to use a hardstanding if the weather is bad and any system where you select the pitch type on booking might mean in severe conditions it will be the people who have booked grass that will have their site visit cancelled?


Posted on 09/09/2021 11:09

Thank you for the let paragraph in your comment, I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. 

The point of the discussion is SIMPLY a matter of choice, nothing else. 

The example of Hurn Lane grass pitches was simply to illustrate the point. This matter of booking choice is separate from and should not be conflated with, the grass v hardstanding debate. 

young thomas replied on 09/09/2021 11:18

Posted on 09/09/2021 11:18

The two are slightly linked in that, whichever way the Club goes it must offer the correct and fit-for-purpose pitches whichever type the customer chooses.

leaving grass pitches on the 'available' list late into the year when they turn out to unusable for those who've chosen them, isn't on.

it's a tough call for the club to withdraw pitches months ahead of booking but will lead to much dissatisfaction if a poor/unusable product is presented.

EmilysDad replied on 09/09/2021 11:25

Posted on 09/09/2021 09:30 by Cornersteady

Any pitch out of use will be lost income and how long does it take for a pitch to recover? Much easier to have HS as that won't need to happen and no lost income and all round year use.

Regarding what causes it I don't think it's mostly due to wheel spin at all but as Steve was saying, and I've seen, is the effects of having a dead grass area due to multiple awnings on the same spot for the whole summer. Again HS won't be affected.

I think as the demand for more year round touring increases more HS will be needed.



Posted on 09/09/2021 11:25

 ... Regarding what causes it I don't think it's mostly due to wheel spin at all but as Steve was saying, and I've seen, is the effects of having a dead grass area due to multiple awnings on the same spot for the whole summer. Again HS won't be affected.

which could also be solved by moving the peg.

EmilysDad replied on 09/09/2021 11:31

Posted on 09/09/2021 10:06 by AandJ

Weight plays a big part, not sure of caravan weights but guess at most 2.5 tonnes ?

Most motorhomes / van conversions are a minimum of 3.5 tonnes ranging through to 7.5 tonnes. A lot  somewhere in the middle. It does make a difference. The club is called CAMC and motorhomes have grown in popularity, so the club options just need to reflect these changes and offer appropriate choice to all, it’s supposed to be an apolitical club!111

Posted on 09/09/2021 11:31

A 2.5 tonne caravan?!?! That would be a HUGE caravan! I'd suggest that most are nearer 1.5 tonne

brue replied on 09/09/2021 11:40

Posted on 09/09/2021 11:18 by young thomas

The two are slightly linked in that, whichever way the Club goes it must offer the correct and fit-for-purpose pitches whichever type the customer chooses.

leaving grass pitches on the 'available' list late into the year when they turn out to unusable for those who've chosen them, isn't on.

it's a tough call for the club to withdraw pitches months ahead of booking but will lead to much dissatisfaction if a poor/unusable product is presented.

Posted on 09/09/2021 11:40

The all grass sites close quite early, some are in AONB etc and will never be able to have hardstandings which are detrimental to the surroundings etc. Other mixed sites will see grass pitches closed for the winter.

Some grass sites do become very worn as the year progresses. Incleboro springs to mind although there are a few serviced pitches.

At present a service pitch booking will ensure a hardstanding.

It might be annoying to arrive and find no hardstandings left but that's the way it is.

At least with a pre-booked pitch type this shouldn't happen, barring all adverse events. But cue future complaints some hardstandings being better than others. wink

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