Interesting petition

mhparking replied on 04/08/2018 11:48

Posted on 04/08/2018 11:48

A new petition has been created urging the CAMC to look at alternative provision for motorhomes on the basis that they need less facilities than are provided by existing sites and located closer to towns.

It makes an interesting suggestion that existing sites might suffer if (towed) caravan sales decline as a result of lack of availability of suitable tow cars.

Assuming that it receives sufficient support, I would hope that the CAMC would provide a reasoned response (whether positive or negative), based on constructive thought, rather than simply ignoring it.

mhparking replied on 04/08/2018 17:37

Posted on 04/08/2018 16:58 by

Which is fine if you use those sites. In reality very few UK motorhomes have black tanks

Posted on 04/08/2018 17:37

 Which is precisely why, in my direct answer to you, I mentioned only carrying spare cassettes and/or using public loos.

My answer that you have now commented on was to a specific question about black tanks which I wasn't rude enough just to simply ignore.

mhparking replied on 04/08/2018 17:41

Posted on 04/08/2018 16:53 by moulesy

Absolutely, but since he's decided to lobby for the club to provide these facilities one would have thought he'd have done a bit of research and been aware that this forum exists. 

Posted on 04/08/2018 17:41

Not necessarily. People use a variety of ways in which to contact organisations.

Of course, he could be well aware of the forum and have decided to avoid it knowing the sorts of barbed comments and innuendo that would probably result wink

replied on 04/08/2018 17:42

Posted on 04/08/2018 17:16 by eurortraveller

Do you object automatically to everything new or different,Alan? frown

Posted on 04/08/2018 17:42

If you read my post ET there is nowt new to being camped so close together that you can just walk between parked car and adjacent van. Anybody wants that they are welcome to it. Hopefully not something CC would provide. laughing I witnessed such nearly 35 years ago on some sites!

Tinwheeler replied on 04/08/2018 17:43

Posted on 04/08/2018 17:43

In that case he should have known better than to target CAMC, Graham. 

replied on 04/08/2018 17:43

Posted on 04/08/2018 17:43

Definitely the weekend!

Takethedogalong replied on 04/08/2018 17:46

Posted on 04/08/2018 13:02 by mhparking

I'm not asking anything, simply reporting that the petition exists - for no other reason than to promote constructive discussion.

I'm sure you are right that urban land would be expensive but if the industry does change as the petition promoter suggests then acquisition (which would probably be of smaller parcels of land than current sites occupy) might (at least in part) be funded by sale of existing underused sites.

Obviously a business case would have to be made but that is what I meant by constructive thought in my original post.

It may well be that other organisations would be interested but the petition promoter just happens to have chosen to approach the CAMC.

Posted on 04/08/2018 17:46

This Motorhomer is a tad disturbed at your second paragraph suggesting selling off underused sites to fund tarmac strips in towns!

Personally I agree with most of the previous posts. It's a badly put together rather selfish petition lobbying the wrong people. By all means ask the Clubs (plural) and other touring bodies to support the idea of aires, but do it by campaigning to local authorities and sell them the idea of increasing tourism and spend, and get them to give over some night time parking for MHs and caravans, maybe even providing a waste disposal and water top up point. But leave the existing sites alone!

moulesy replied on 04/08/2018 17:51

Posted on 04/08/2018 17:51

I always try to be positive in any criticism of new ideas and in this case I shall indeed be - it's positively bonkers!  wink

mhparking replied on 04/08/2018 17:52

Posted on 04/08/2018 16:29 by eurortraveller

By and large in Europe overnight parking for motorhomes was initiated by local councils making car park space available - that is gradually happening here in the UK - witness Exmouth and Canterbury. Here in the SW other car parks are allowing overnights too - Tintagel, Mevagissey, Appledore, Bideford, Holsworthy, Clovelly and so on come to mind. That is probably the best way forward for motorhomers to pursue rather than looking for Club involvement.

Campsites in mainland Europe have got in on the act by offering closely spaced reduced price pitches just for motorhomes - but this Club is so tied to the 6 metre rule that there is no likelihood of that one happening, is there. 


Posted on 04/08/2018 17:52

A couple of points arise from this post that relate to other posts as well.

The car parks in Mevagissey and Tintagel are privately owned and are able to allow camping because the owners hold caravan site licences. Thus it is not true to say that provision has to come from councils.

In Appledore, Bideford and Holsworthy, Torridge Council requires that motohomes using the car parks to camp overnight must be at least 6m apart.

I don't know whether Clovelly Visitor Centre has a licence or whether, like some other places, it chooses to ignore the requirement for one.

mhparking replied on 04/08/2018 17:56

Posted on 04/08/2018 17:46 by Takethedogalong

This Motorhomer is a tad disturbed at your second paragraph suggesting selling off underused sites to fund tarmac strips in towns!

Personally I agree with most of the previous posts. It's a badly put together rather selfish petition lobbying the wrong people. By all means ask the Clubs (plural) and other touring bodies to support the idea of aires, but do it by campaigning to local authorities and sell them the idea of increasing tourism and spend, and get them to give over some night time parking for MHs and caravans, maybe even providing a waste disposal and water top up point. But leave the existing sites alone!

Posted on 04/08/2018 17:56

Nobody said that has to happen.

However, if the industry does change as the petition promoter suggested, leaving the CAMC with sites that are a drain on the company by virtue of being underused, then the company would be duty bound to do something about it - one possibility being selling some places to fund others elsewhere.

mhparking replied on 04/08/2018 17:58

Posted on 04/08/2018 17:43 by Tinwheeler

In that case he should have known better than to target CAMC, Graham. 

Posted on 04/08/2018 17:58

Yes, the immediate reactive negativity of some posts, without the constructive thought I was hoping for, has reminded me why I hardly ever visit this forum laughing

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