UK staycation boom predicted

DavidKlyne replied on 21/03/2021 20:42

Posted on 21/03/2021 20:42

Not all Park and Rides are financed just from local funds but sometimes from the Government's Local Growth Fund as is the case with the new Eynsham P&R in Oxfordshire. Now to me "Local Growth Fund", paid for by all,  seems to suggest for the benefit beyond just the locals to encourage growth in tourism amongst other things? Park and Rides don't have to allow overnight parking but surely should be encouraged to allow the likes of motorhomes to park so their owners can visit the local city/town. P&R's have different charging systems. Some you pay to park and the bus is free, some are free to park but to pay the bus fares and some you pay for both. The purpose of a P&R is to limit the number of vehicles entering the town centres which gives a cleaner environment for all. Why motorhomes should be excluded is beyond me. Fortunately some Councils are more enlightened than others. Take Oxford as an example which has several P&R's at least one of them allows larger vehicles. Canterbury has even provided overnight parking in a P&R for which there is a reasonable fee. So it can be done, all it needs is a forward looking local authority.


Takethedogalong replied on 21/03/2021 20:47

Posted on 21/03/2021 20:47

I think York has similar DK, with the link bus into the City Centre. Might be Designer Outlet P&R I think🤔

JVB66 replied on 21/03/2021 22:48

Posted on 21/03/2021 20:06 by KjellNN

You have hills in Hertfordshire?    We must have missed them!  OH had relatives there so we have visited often.

Possibly they are what FIL used to call "fields with their backs up" ?

Posted on 21/03/2021 22:48

Compared to other places maybe  our house is 340ft above sea level ,

i got into trouble from the cardiologist ater she found out i had been taking Rosa for walks , as the hill round here were not suitable  for my condition just after my procedure in hospital ,for at least 6monthssurprised

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 21/03/2021 23:19

Posted on 21/03/2021 23:19

JV, we call East Yorkshire pancake flat due to its gentle undulations, I’m betting we have higher points than Hertfordshire which is basically a suburb of North London, a dormitory county🤷🏻‍♂️🙄

SteveL replied on 22/03/2021 07:55

Posted on 22/03/2021 07:55

Google reckons that East Yorkshire tops out at 246 metres a full one metre higher than Hertfordshire at 245 metres.😂

cyberyacht replied on 22/03/2021 08:19

Posted on 22/03/2021 08:19

JVB wrote "had some of the toilets out of use "waiting arrention" to clear the mess made by some low life who had messed them up by "emptying?" their toilet cassette"

I don't understand how emptying a cassette blocks a toilet. I empty mine in the toilet at home on occasions without issues and without mess. Not that I've had a need to do so in a public toilet I hasten to add, merely puzzled as to why it is problematic. Has something else been put down them? Sanitary towels/nappies. Is it Motorhomers/ Caravaners who are responsible for the blockage or a car owning parent of an incontinent toddler?

replied on 22/03/2021 08:23

Posted on 22/03/2021 08:23

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Rocky 2 buckets replied on 22/03/2021 08:37

Posted on 22/03/2021 07:55 by SteveL

Google reckons that East Yorkshire tops out at 246 metres a full one metre higher than Hertfordshire at 245 metres.😂

Posted on 22/03/2021 08:37

Thanks SL👍🏻😎, my guesstimate was right then🤷🏻‍♂️-who knew eh😂😂

brue replied on 22/03/2021 08:41

Posted on 22/03/2021 08:23 by

I dont get this "p*****ing competition " of my county  is higher than yourssmile

Having lived at over 900 feet in Sheffield  we couldn't wait to leave and throw away the snow shovel. Actually  I still have it for gathering up leaveswink

Posted on 22/03/2021 08:41

I was trying to think of the right words too! wink

There's something to be said for a flat landscape where you can see a long way...

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 22/03/2021 08:42

Posted on 22/03/2021 08:23 by

I dont get this "p*****ing competition " of my county  is higher than yourssmile

Having lived at over 900 feet in Sheffield  we couldn't wait to leave and throw away the snow shovel. Actually  I still have it for gathering up leaveswink

Posted on 22/03/2021 08:42

It isn’t a P’ing contest AD it’s conversation, if you read the interaction you won’t find anyone of us JV or me crowing for bragging rights-although I’ve seen it on threads where-my overthere is great, your overhere is wet & crappy. . .Now that’s a P’ing contest & yes very childish🤷🏻‍♂️☹️

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