Isn't this getting a bit boring now?

moulesy replied on 05/01/2023 19:43

Posted on 05/01/2023 19:43

As if yet another prime time weekend show fronted by Ant & Dic wasn't bad enough, I understand the highlight of ITV's weekend will be an interview with a rather whingey, highly privileged, publicity shy ginger haired guy? A guy who was so publicity averse that he emigrated with his family to keep them out of the public eye but now finds it convenient to plug his ghost written biography as a follow up to his self publicising 6 part revelatory series on a popular streaming  channel? Do we really need to know that his older brother had a bigger bedroom when they were boys, or pushed him over so that he got scratches on his back.

Think it's time to wish the guy and his family the very best of luck in their new life in the States, but, for goodness sake, please just leave us to get on with our lives at a difficult time for all those of us not lucky enough to have the same advantages! yell

Rant over! laughing

replied on 05/01/2023 22:49

Posted on 05/01/2023 22:49

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Rocky 2 buckets replied on 05/01/2023 23:09

Posted on 05/01/2023 23:09

‘We are going to the USA to find privacy & acceptance-please leave us alone. Prime time on Oprah broadcast to millions?πŸ€”, that’ll do nicely thank you’. $$$$$$$$$-Kerching πŸ’΅πŸ’΅πŸ’΅

SteveL replied on 05/01/2023 23:20

Posted on 05/01/2023 23:20

For a while after its release every  time I went into Netflix it kept recommending it and playing snippets. However, it seems to have got the message and hasn’t done so for a few days.πŸ€žπŸ˜€

cyberyacht replied on 06/01/2023 07:53

Posted on 05/01/2023 22:49 by

I find a certain Shakespearean echo. The disaffected younger brother:

I am determined to prove a villain

Plots have I laid, inductions dangerous,
By drunken prophecies, libels and dreams,
To set my brother xxx and the king
In deadly hate the one against the other


Why, this it is, when men are ruled by women …

Fascinating stuff. 


Posted on 06/01/2023 07:53

Or to continue in the theme and to quote Mercutio "A plague on both your houses"

The thread title could apply equally to Series 17 of "The Apprentice" of course.

moulesy replied on 06/01/2023 09:09

Posted on 06/01/2023 09:09

WTG - you say ShakespearIan,  and I think he would like to be seen as some sort of tragic hero ....

....personally, I find Pythonesque a more appropriate adjective and the quote "He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy" springs to mind! frown

mickysf replied on 06/01/2023 09:23

Posted on 06/01/2023 09:23

The most annoying aspect of all this is that the press/media are desperate to keep adding fuel to the fire and some are lapping it up and enjoying it. All about making money and keeping some happy in doing so! So sad what with so many other every day real life challenges out there for many ordinary folk right now. 

heddlo replied on 06/01/2023 09:29

Posted on 06/01/2023 09:29

πŸ’΅πŸ’΅ Kerching!!! Absolutely!   This is so tragic and awful.  How can people be interested in this garbage.  What a way to fund your lifestyle, sorry but I find it disappointing and disgusting. Why, oh why. 

replied on 06/01/2023 09:56

Posted on 06/01/2023 09:56

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mickysf replied on 06/01/2023 10:01

Posted on 06/01/2023 09:56 by

Just ignore it , I just hope  (probably in vain) to live to see the back of the lot of them.

Posted on 06/01/2023 10:01

😳What like they did over there!πŸ‡«πŸ‡·

mickysf replied on 06/01/2023 11:05

Posted on 06/01/2023 11:05

Free speech, free to protest, free to withdraw labour, all under possible threat at the moment. Choose to ignore much but all this ‘news’ is in our faces because a few wish it to be, they are free to do so!

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