Isn't this getting a bit boring now?

moulesy replied on 05/01/2023 19:43

Posted on 05/01/2023 19:43

As if yet another prime time weekend show fronted by Ant & Dic wasn't bad enough, I understand the highlight of ITV's weekend will be an interview with a rather whingey, highly privileged, publicity shy ginger haired guy? A guy who was so publicity averse that he emigrated with his family to keep them out of the public eye but now finds it convenient to plug his ghost written biography as a follow up to his self publicising 6 part revelatory series on a popular streaming  channel? Do we really need to know that his older brother had a bigger bedroom when they were boys, or pushed him over so that he got scratches on his back.

Think it's time to wish the guy and his family the very best of luck in their new life in the States, but, for goodness sake, please just leave us to get on with our lives at a difficult time for all those of us not lucky enough to have the same advantages! yell

Rant over! laughing

N1805 replied on 07/01/2023 11:47

Posted on 07/01/2023 11:47

If the original post refers to whom I think it does I have to say I have not watched any Netflix or interviews etc only seen ‘bits’ on the News.  IMO the person has made himself and his immediate family over there “targets” in more ways than one rather than giving them the life he said he wanted for himself and his family.  I certainly will not be borrowing 'the book' from the library should it be there.

JohnM20 replied on 07/01/2023 11:49

Posted on 07/01/2023 11:49

Can't help thinking he has shot himself in the foot - or both feet. And that might be the least of it after he has stirred up the hornets nest.

Tinwheeler replied on 07/01/2023 11:59

Posted on 07/01/2023 11:47 by N1805

If the original post refers to whom I think it does I have to say I have not watched any Netflix or interviews etc only seen ‘bits’ on the News.  IMO the person has made himself and his immediate family over there “targets” in more ways than one rather than giving them the life he said he wanted for himself and his family.  I certainly will not be borrowing 'the book' from the library should it be there.

Posted on 07/01/2023 11:59

Neither have I set out to watch or read anything about it, N, but the issue is that our TV and radio is saturated with it, even to it being the lead story on the news. It sure isn't entertainment or even very newsworthy in my view.

moulesy replied on 07/01/2023 12:07

Posted on 07/01/2023 11:47 by N1805

If the original post refers to whom I think it does I have to say I have not watched any Netflix or interviews etc only seen ‘bits’ on the News.  IMO the person has made himself and his immediate family over there “targets” in more ways than one rather than giving them the life he said he wanted for himself and his family.  I certainly will not be borrowing 'the book' from the library should it be there.

Posted on 07/01/2023 12:07

Not only himself and his family; seems to me he has given the taliban,  and others,  the perfect excuse for targeting our armed forces, diplomats and, in fact, any British citizens working for relief agencies in Afghanistan. Very revealing how many of the armed forces spokespersons have come out against him. frown

Cornersteady replied on 07/01/2023 12:12

Posted on 07/01/2023 12:12

I think it is just disgusting that he gives away family stories in order to get publicity and thereby funding for his lifestyle. Also it is just his recollection of events, it could be all true or not at all or somewhere in-between, as the other members of the RF are not getting involved  (righly in my view) it is all one sided.

Also not only publicity but trying to get all this 'sympathy' which really gets me. I had fights with my brothers, shouting matches with my dad, as I assume many other families did but it's nothing special (is it?)

He made the choice to walk away from what many might see as his duty and/or his family. I've no problem with that, seen it done on a smaller scale many times before and that's fine as everyone must choose what is best for themselves but then don't start attacking them? Actually I've seen that done before too but it's just he has a larger audience and attacking something that a lot of people love and respect. 

I've not read, or will read the book, I didn't watch the Netflix show and just get what's on the BBC. But I did recall how someone said the opening parts of the show showing the press going mad were from other celebrities and not them.

It's been the talking point of many this week I've met and even the 'non-royals' don't like what he's doing, one even said how he had a photographer there ready for all the important moments he talked about and all too staged?

replied on 07/01/2023 14:55

Posted on 07/01/2023 14:55

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Tammygirl replied on 07/01/2023 14:57

Posted on 07/01/2023 14:57

Some of the things I've seen on my news feed are making me so angry, do we really need to read about how he got frost nip on his private parts 😱 or the fact that he actively sort out the sex scenes his then girl friend was in while an actress. These types of revelations say a lot about him as a person. As to his claims of Taliban kills it beggers belief that he could be so stupidly niave to have written that. Then you have to ask why was that even allowed to go to print. We can only hope that we do not see any repercussions for his stupidity.

For someone wanting to get away from public life and the press he has got a funny way of going about it. I hope the rest of the RF cast him out totally. 

replied on 07/01/2023 14:59

Posted on 07/01/2023 13:41 by Takethedogalong

It’s possible Peter Morgan might be masquerading as his “therapist”🤔

Posted on 07/01/2023 14:59

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richardandros replied on 07/01/2023 15:48

Posted on 07/01/2023 14:57 by Tammygirl

Some of the things I've seen on my news feed are making me so angry, do we really need to read about how he got frost nip on his private parts 😱 or the fact that he actively sort out the sex scenes his then girl friend was in while an actress. These types of revelations say a lot about him as a person. As to his claims of Taliban kills it beggers belief that he could be so stupidly niave to have written that. Then you have to ask why was that even allowed to go to print. We can only hope that we do not see any repercussions for his stupidity.

For someone wanting to get away from public life and the press he has got a funny way of going about it. I hope the rest of the RF cast him out totally. 

Posted on 07/01/2023 15:48

Agree absolutely TG - I too am appalled by the whole saga.  I doubt that any private security firm will go anywhere near him now - both he and they are going to be sitting ducks.  He has shown the mentality and foresight of a five year old.

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