What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

Rufs replied on 20/02/2021 11:37

Posted on 20/02/2021 11:37

Cracking day in Stubbers, early walk as PM we are having a family quiz using that new online game "outsmarted", will have 4 familys joining the quiz and we all hope to be up on Zoom at the same time so should be an interesting afternoon, had to do something, rugby rest weekend laughing

Bakers2 replied on 20/02/2021 12:54

Posted on 20/02/2021 12:54

Glorious day here, makes a change for us not to have grey skies. All windows flung wide, shame we're having to keep conservatory door closed to stop Dora going in the back garden because of rat poison. We've rigged up benches and things over the traps but not letting her out, even for the loo, without a lead and supervision.

Feeling for those being affected by the floods, not a nice situation. As you say brue new developments don't help - not sure why mankind thinks he knows better than nature with planning etc.... Our new, about 2000, county record office was built on an island 😱🤣, we spent one closure moving important documents from low level and replacing with them less important ones, available in other places, items such as newspapers... it stood alone for years as the planned hotel, museum and things didn't materialise now it's all contrete and flats there was even talk of digging a canal along on side to connect river and canal, but I think they may have built close to the canal so not now possible I won't know until all is eventually revealed when the hoarding comes down.

Dora and I walked the local estate, it was wishful thinking that the mudfest may have improved, but good to be amongst real open spaces but it was busier than I'd expected - I wasn't as early as I intended but certainly  plenty of folk about as we returned.  Much debate among users and generally as council 'consulting' on charging for car parking, for some out of area dog walkers, not commercial ones, it'll be £5 a visit, one lady comes twice a day every day, it soon adds up! Our other 'open country'  walk is along the canal path all grass and flood plains so far worse! Too busy to walk in the other direction 😱

Thought I'd garden when I got back, but phone reminded me I needed to collect my contact lenses, so exchanged muddy clothes for clean ones, walked to collect them. Returned and changed back into gardening clothes but decided might as well have lunch and play on here first. Right must go enjoy the garden and the weather.

Tammygirl replied on 20/02/2021 13:45

Posted on 20/02/2021 13:45

Flooding here to brue, the Tay and Isla have both gone in places.

Thankfully the new flood defence system in the city works.

Lots of local roads in Tayside have flooding, the river is at the bottom of our street and is very high, we are well out of its way as is the majority of the village. Its still raining.

Very lazy day so far I haven't done a thing. 

Don't know what's been wrong with me the last few days, tired, headaches can't be bothered. Not like me at all, need some warm sun to shake me out of it.

Rufs replied on 20/02/2021 14:32

Posted on 20/02/2021 14:32

"Flooding here to brue, the Tay and Isla have both gone in places"

Ah!!! the might Tay, used the Invermill Farm caravan park on many occasion, used to love going up to the Hermitage when she was in full flow, who says we dont have magnificent scenery in the UK.

Used to be a great site with a river running alongside, but then they started to get a bit greedy and increased the number of pitches, but they were large pitches and well spaced out, loved it laughing

Bakers2 replied on 20/02/2021 14:40

Posted on 20/02/2021 14:40

Tammygirl that doesn't sound like you at all. Could it be reaction to your jab, even if delayed? Sounds how I felt, still not got much energy.

Glad flood defences working hope the flooding subsides soon, mind you no idea where it can go everywhere is so wet.

Still glorious here although breeze picking up. I've dried towels outside. Plenty to do in the garden but mustn't stay in one place too long! The ground is still very soft and compacting well! Lovely to see crocus, hellebore, pulmonary flowering in the sun. The snowdrops I dug up from mum and dad's garden have appeared and look beautiful - not been successful.with them in this garden before! Their roses are shooting too so they've come through the winter. Forecast is dry for us this week 🤞😃 so hopefully I'll be able to work out here. The bulbs are pushing on up they're quite behind this year the viburnum is only just coming into flower. It's so uplifting to be able to enjoy the outdoors without numerous layers. Our Christmas box, can't remember proper name at mo is still smelling wonderful its really lasting this year. And the flame of the forest us budding up nicely.

Right onwards and upwards

Wherenext replied on 20/02/2021 15:52

Posted on 20/02/2021 15:52

Got a bit wet this morning but didn't get out very far yesterday so needed the fresh air. Not really stopped all day but it's not heavy.

Mrs WN still has her frozen shoulder so a bout of ironing for me today. 

Off soon to prep dinner.

Bakers is right Tammy, you don't seem to be your normal self, you know the one where Springer Spaniels envy your energy, since your jab.

Had an email from S.Power today, supposed to be yesterday. It's gibberish so will leave it until tomorrow as I haven't the inclination to try to understand it tonight. Doesn't look good at first sight though.

DavidKlyne replied on 20/02/2021 16:05

Posted on 20/02/2021 16:05

Saturday is cleaning day in our household, joint effort, Margaret goes round with dusters and clothes and I follow along with the vacuum cleaner. Not so long ago we decided to buy a lighter weight rechargeable bagless cleaner. Our SEBO is 20 years old and although working perfectly well is heavy to get up and down the stairs. The only trouble with bagless cleaners is you immediately get to see what you have cleaned up, often in disbelief!!! 

After lunch managed to spend an hour in the garden as I wanted to give my roses their final prune before the growing season. Also started to tackle the Pyracantha. This is a vicious plant, you have to be so careful!!! Can't do too much as we don't have green bin collections at the moment so once the bin is full it remains so until they recommence.


Takethedogalong replied on 20/02/2021 16:24

Posted on 20/02/2021 16:24

Agree about pyracantha thorns, vicious. Much beloved of councils to keep anti socials out of certain areas. Excellent anti burglar properties👍 Makes a beautiful hedge though. 

Pooch is mithering for his dinner here. 5pm is normal time, unfortunately, this Winter he hasn’t adjusted  for BST, so he starts around 4.15pm. On the plus side, end of March, his body clock will be back to normal🤷‍♀️ 

LLM replied on 20/02/2021 16:28

Posted on 20/02/2021 16:28

Took a shift directing customers into and out of the carpark today.   Bit soggy to say the least.  Still a lot of happy vaccinated people smile.    

brue replied on 20/02/2021 16:33

Posted on 20/02/2021 16:33

I braved the rain with the dog this afternoon, water pouring down the lane by us, what contrasts with the weather on here!

TG, we both felt out of sorts following the AZ jab, I had headaches etc, just starting to feel better, that's two weeks nearly. Hope you feel better soon.

WN what a shame about Scottish P, I'd read they were better value than the other big suppliers at the moment but not much comfort for you if they can't sort themselves out.

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