What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

Bakers2 replied on 20/02/2021 17:12

Posted on 20/02/2021 17:12

Just wondering has anyone any idea on HelenandTrevor? Not seen a post for ages.

I know were not supposed to discuss fellow posters but....

I'll leave it at that in case the pist is removed.

Bakers2 replied on 20/02/2021 17:20

Posted on 20/02/2021 17:20

Brue I agree about the contrasting weather. We in the east seem to have been extremely wet this year, not like us at all.

I'm hearing of more reactions to the AZ vaccine - interesting really. Or is it just that our immune systems would react to Pfizer too. I know I always get a reaction to jabs....

Wherenext I sincerely wish you luck with Scottish Power, it doesn't bode well if it isn't easy to read. Tricky blighters!

Cooling, well still 13c outside here, as the sun goes down. You forget the different muscles needed for gardening I'm off for a bath now. OH walked the dog, he seems even more engeryless than usual today despite the sunshine. Maybe a haircut would help?? No chance of a home cut 😱 even if we have clippers with same numbers 🀣

Tammygirl replied on 20/02/2021 17:29

Posted on 20/02/2021 17:29

Rufs, if that is the site you see from the A9 it appears to be all mobiles now. The Hermitage and Rumbling bridge are great places to visit at anytime but winter with 10 ft icicles or after melt with water thundering down has to be my favourite.smile

WN, brue, bakers, I was fine up to day 5 then it started, ignored it at first but then had to give in as my head was banging.

I've had a couple of good nights sleep now and head isn't as bad as it was. I dismissed it as the jab but it seems it can happen in the first 14 days. Still worth it though to have the jab.

Tammygirl replied on 21/02/2021 11:09

Posted on 21/02/2021 11:09

Windy overnight but calmer today.

No rain forecast thankfully, as river Tay is at the top of the flood defenses where my sister lives.

They got a call this morning from SEPA to warn them it may breech. Next few hours will be crucial. Such a worrying time for them and their neighbours.

Feeling more like myself today, still going to take it easy though. Bit of shopping and a walk. Garden needing attention but its far to wet to walk on so can wait a bit longer.

I've downloaded a 'white noise' app onto my tablet and phone. It gives all kinds of sounds, last night I went to sleep to the sound of crashing waves on a seashore. Took me back to our last trip to France. 


brue replied on 21/02/2021 11:26

Posted on 21/02/2021 11:26

We were out walking the dog in the rain again this morning but it has started to clear up and it's getting a lot warmer.

I've just booked a walk around NT Montacute mid-week, it's supposed to be locals only and if we get there early it's quiet.

I made slow cooker food yesterday to last the whole weekend which takes the pressure off "what to cook" many friends are feeling the same about cooking at the moment, it seems a bit relentless without the occasional trip out.

Hope the Tay doesn't overflow TG, we were awash yesterday but if the rain holds off it will rapidly disperse.

Takethedogalong replied on 21/02/2021 11:47

Posted on 21/02/2021 11:47

I enjoy cooking, but it is starting to feel a bit relentless at the moment. We do share it, and have Sis in our bubble who also does a dish for us all every now and then. It’s me on cook duty today, so going to do some easy homemade fish cakes, fresh veg, then either homemade savoury rice, or maybe potato wedges.πŸ€”

I am starting to dream constantly though about a meal at one of our favourite pubs. It’s coming up for a year now since our last pub meet up with friends at one of our lovely local eateries. 

Wherenext replied on 21/02/2021 12:00

Posted on 21/02/2021 12:00

I know what you mean about the relentlessness of the cooking. I'm head chef here and have had to make a weekly menu to reduce number of shop visits. I dislike it as back in normal land we only looked a couple of days ahead and bought whatever looked nice and fresh when we popped in to the shop. We've had a couple of meals out in tge last year and do miss it as a treat.

I do home made beans with my fishcakes. Mind you it does include spicy chorizo, peppers and 5 different beans.

Lovely Spring like walk this morning. 

Fingers crossed for flood defences to work.

Lunch soon. All this talk of food making me hungry.

Bakers2 replied on 21/02/2021 13:28

Posted on 21/02/2021 13:28

Sun has broken through now after a warm grey start. Really feels like we could be changing seasons πŸ˜€

Muddy dog walk, although it is drying out, so much water fell for so long onto Essex clay it'll take a while. Dog bath required her coat holds sooooo much mud, from that and a few rolls now the delights of fox poo can be located 😀

Still not feeling myself embarassed so just taking it easy but feeling frustrated as the weather is just right for 'doing'. It'll have to wait though.

Fingers crossed that flood defences aren't breached.

Brue you're lucky to have NT gardens to book locally- Essex seems as short of NT or similar attractions as it is campsites 🀣🀣

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 21/02/2021 14:10

Posted on 21/02/2021 14:10

New(to me) scam, it’s just arrived in my inbox , I pay online but not by DD. It had my email address but the BBC remind me by my chosen name-this doesn’tπŸ‘πŸ»

richardandros replied on 21/02/2021 14:43

Posted on 21/02/2021 14:10 by Rocky 2 buckets

New(to me) scam, it’s just arrived in my inbox , I pay online but not by DD. It had my email address but the BBC remind me by my chosen name-this doesn’tπŸ‘πŸ»

Posted on 21/02/2021 14:43

Is the email address from a .be source, by any chance? Have had loads of these in the past but seem to have disappeared for the time being.

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