What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

KjellNN replied on 11/12/2021 20:30

Posted on 11/12/2021 20:30

We were in M&S the other day for some "ready meals" as we are really not feeling up to much cooking at present, but are  starting to feel a little bit more like eating.  

The shelves were well stocked, but it looked like they could do with more customers as there was quite a bit of "reduced" stuff.

Aldi today was also well stocked, as was Lidl when I went in to buy blueberry jam.  They have the best blueberry jam I have tasted in a very long time.........almost as good as my Mother used to make!

nelliethehooker replied on 11/12/2021 20:32

Posted on 11/12/2021 20:22 by Wherenext

It would be pretty good if we could "up our game" to actually pick the stuff that we do manage to grow though Nellie and then have enough home grown labour to get the stuff to the shelves.  We don't seem to be able to give enough incentives to do that at the moment.frown


Posted on 11/12/2021 20:32

So what do you suggest? Up the wages then the stuff will cost everyone more including those on very low incomes? or cut  benefits for those that are fit to work and then forcing them to take up a job? or release more licences for foreign labour to come and do the work which then results in loud shouts that we are not employing our own citizens? 

A rock or a hard place or a cliff to call off! The farmers and the government can't win whichever way they go, the countries finances are stretched to the limit already.

milliehull replied on 11/12/2021 20:42

Posted on 11/12/2021 19:46 by Wherenext

There you go Millie. A photo of the Church at Oxburgh. We enjoyed our visit there a few years ago now

Glad you got through a difficult day. I have been collating some photos for my nephews wedding next year, family photos that are spread far and wide but I managed to hunt down some that one of my cousins has and it includes the only photo that I have ever seen of the child my parents lost just before her 5th.birthday. As mentioned before she had Spina Bifida so it was a rare opportunity to see my never before seen sibling.

Posted on 11/12/2021 20:42

Thank you so much for the photo of the church at Oxburgh WN. I remember you talking about your sister before. How lovely that you have found a photo of her. It must mean such a lot to you. We have just a few photos of our little Lucy Kate. I have a lovely one of her with our 2 older children in a frame on our dressing table. Our younger son  like you with your sister, was born after she passed away.

Rocky 2 buckets replied on 11/12/2021 20:43

Posted on 11/12/2021 20:07 by nelliethehooker

I think this has been discussed on here before, brue, but there are an awful lot of fruit and veg that we will struggle ever to grow in these islands in sufficient numbers to satisfy all year round demand however much we "up our game".

Posted on 11/12/2021 20:43

I don’t know why-all winter(2020)  I was eating pears from Belgium, Apples too on occasion🤷🏻‍♂️

Wherenext replied on 11/12/2021 20:47

Posted on 11/12/2021 20:47

I'm not surprised the country's economy is stretched, seeing as large amounts are being wasted on vanity projects like the HS2 which won't now deliver the economic benefits to the north that over £100 billion should reap. HMG seem to have suddenly found a big sofa with a bit of cash in it to fund that project, amongst others.

I was quite happy with the status quo before leaving the EU but rejoining isn't going to happen. It's up to those who took us out to solve the problem of how we replace those workers, either by stick or carrot. One would have thought that having realised their dream of being independent then they would find ways to incentivise people to work. There are plenty of financial experts in the Treasury.

KjellNN replied on 11/12/2021 20:50

Posted on 11/12/2021 20:32 by nelliethehooker

So what do you suggest? Up the wages then the stuff will cost everyone more including those on very low incomes? or cut  benefits for those that are fit to work and then forcing them to take up a job? or release more licences for foreign labour to come and do the work which then results in loud shouts that we are not employing our own citizens? 

A rock or a hard place or a cliff to call off! The farmers and the government can't win whichever way they go, the countries finances are stretched to the limit already.

Posted on 11/12/2021 20:50

Maybe  a bit of each?

ABM replied on 11/12/2021 22:06

Posted on 11/12/2021 22:06

Well Good Evening Everybody  laughing.

Had a 90% great day today.  Had to attend a wedding in the family today  Out at Mottram Hall  Not too far from Wilmslow.  12 O'clock  seemed to be an ideal time  for  all us  'Family, Friends, Witnesses  and participants ' to get there from the home village of Crewe.

Got the required clothing sorted, even as posted elsewhere, managed to tie a halfway decent Windsor knot in the tie without strangling myself or ruining a rather nice but elderly tie  innocent.

Gave myself two hours to travel the miles and find the rest of the 'audience' but just preparing to turn onto the designated approach road just short of Wilmslow when large signs and numbers of red/white cones appeared !!  To by-pass that little lot I had to drive thro' Wilmslow shopping area and midmorning on a very busy pre-Christmas Saturday too !!  only lost about ten minutes till I arrived to find myself in a convoy of several vehicles carrying friends and family who , using Sat Nav  had been redirected several different ways to the same effect.

Apparently the flooding of the main road is a regular occurrence but no warnings are given on the Hotel Web Site Grrrrr.   Still a Very pleasant half hour passed whilst renewing old acquaintances and meeting new ones in the short time whilst the 'Legal Bits' were performed before the Ceremony itself wink

Nobody Objected, everybody clapped, cheered & posed { for pictures  !! }  and the whole shebang went off an absolute treat   ~~  Brian is now a very Happy Bunny !

brue replied on 11/12/2021 22:45

Posted on 11/12/2021 22:45

Sounds great ABM!

By the way I wasn't starting vegetable wars on here. wink I had pondered why we were self sufficient in swedes ( I had a giggle that I'd written Swedes. laughing

KjellNN replied on 11/12/2021 23:51

Posted on 11/12/2021 23:51

 Maybe  we are not eating enough swedes?   The flavour can be quite strong and a bit of an acquired taste, a bit like sprouts.

Personally, I love all vegetables so will try anything.  I thought carrots were one of the top products?

Coming from the cold north of Norway, during the war pretty much the only vegetables we could grow were potatoes and carrots.

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