What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

Takethedogalong replied on 22/05/2024 09:52

Posted on 22/05/2024 09:52

If anyone knows Newcastle well, looking for a good car park central, preferably on Metro line to get to St James Park? Not a city we know. Intend arriving mid afternoon for evening football match, needs to be open late to get home after match. Wondering if parking at Metrocentre might work, as easy access from A1?

Thanks for any help. (Using car, no pooch involved)

DSB replied on 22/05/2024 10:18

Posted on 22/05/2024 10:18

Off to take Carols mum out for her 92nd birthday.  Weather not looking good!!  Just heard Alexander Armstrong on Classicfm, telling us that it 'hoseing down' all over the UK except for Penzance!!  Evelyn want to go to Abbots Bromley - to a little tea shop close to Blithfield reservoir called 'Cobwebs'.  Hope it stops raining a bit soon.  Just stopped off at Sainbury's for a bit of shopping, on the way.

Keep dry everyone.... and hope all is well with the work at the house, Bakers2.  Lovely to see the photos folks have been sharing.... looks like some nice visits out. .


Rufs replied on 22/05/2024 10:57

Posted on 22/05/2024 10:57

Just back after 18 days in glorious Cornwall, only 2 bad days, we were very close to Perranporth i did manage a couple of swims at Godrevy beach and Crantock, a cool 10 degs in the water but a somewhat warmer 18 degs air temp so all good. We stayed on a site that we have used several times only 17 pitches, hard standing fully svcd with a very modern facilities block so all good.

cant believe how busy it was in Cornwall, St Ives was just so so busy and finding a disabled parking space is almost impossible, it was also Tunes in the Dunes at Perranporth so we gave that place a wide berth for a couple of days. 

We do not do technology whilst away in the caravan so no laptops, tv's etc, radio for some light music and news, so have not read any of the posts for some 18 days and dont think i am going to have time to trawl back so i Hope everybody is safe and well, off to a Stroke club Fish & Chip lunch today and OH has a bone density scan later in the afternoon, but all good in Stubbers.

Takethedogalong replied on 22/05/2024 14:04

Posted on 22/05/2024 14:04

We were shocked at how busy Cornwall was the last time we made it down a couple of years ago Rufs. We hadn’t been able to get down for around six years 😢, but had a week at Marazion. Usually quiet Hayle was absolutely rammed, as was Penzance. We never went into St Ives in the Summer anyway, as it was always busy. Glad you had good weather👍

Bakers2 replied on 22/05/2024 15:42

Posted on 22/05/2024 15:42

We are having a respite from the rain at tge moment. Don't tell anyone..... It began to rain about 4pm and has continued in one form or another until about 20 minutes ago. Yes Wherenext, the sort that makes you wet. Love it. I often think that of the very light stuff which you find soaks you!

Another wet walk this morning. On days like this I drive to a nearby village, too wet to cross the clay fields 😱😱 so we can do an offlead walk on a old disused road. Lately the feisty goose has been allowed out of its nearby field. For the 2nd time this week it was guarding my car on my return 🫣🫣. 1st time I got Dora in and managed to jump in the driving seat without incident. Not so today! I waited in the passenger seat for the little blighter to get bored. It didn't happen. Poor Dora shaking with cold so I had to manoeuvre across to the drivers seat. Modern cars aren't designed like older ones. And I'm not as agile as I was! Made it in my wet weather gear. B goose wouldn't shift even when I sounded my horn and started the engine and as I reversed began to chase....... Luckily no one to witness the entertainment.

Decided that was enough excitement for one day and have taken my foot off the gas. Just made a couple of fruit cakes, us and son. And apart from dinner I'm not planning on much more 😉

Bakers2 replied on 22/05/2024 16:10

Posted on 22/05/2024 16:10

Shouldn't have written about the weather. Guess what it's doing again?

Our garden help was due today. A good mutual call to postpone.

Takethedogalong replied on 22/05/2024 17:48

Posted on 22/05/2024 17:48

That sounds one feisty goose Bakers😱It started raining here 9pm last night, and still hasn’t let up all day. We had a wet dog walk, all 200 metres with lots of sniff stops😱

Got a call from shop in town, I now have a fabulous old piece of Amber that someone wants re fashioning into something more wearable, plus some other orders, so that will keep me busy. Very nice lady, she doesn’t do tinternet or mobile phones, but turns out she lives only quarter of a mile away, so I can do this order the old fashioned way😁

I have been dipping into the live feed from the Post office enquiry all day🤨

And just heard the country give a massive collective sigh of “about ruddy time”🤨

Oneputt replied on 22/05/2024 18:51

Posted on 22/05/2024 18:51

Really busy couple of days.  Counted the money from the Scout Group jumble sale, £2400.00, great result.

Washed the caravan and gave the inside a good spruce up, so ready for our short trip next Monday

Spent today in the garden, mowed the lawn, cleaned the pond and tidied the borders etc


Bakers2 replied on 22/05/2024 19:26

Posted on 22/05/2024 19:26

 Spent today in the garden, mowed the lawn, cleaned the pond and tidied the borders etc

 Wot no rain!

We've just had a very heavy shower. Passed now but still moisture falling......

That sounds one feisty goose Bakers

I can assure you it certainly is. I was once 'goosed' many years ago at a visit to Leez Priory long before it became a wedding venue. And it HURT so take no chances now.

Oneputt that's a great result from the jumble sale. Didn't know they still occurred. I thought we did well at plant sale, £1571. 

Well done takethedogalong,  enjoy the discussions and the task.

milliehull replied on 22/05/2024 20:12

Posted on 22/05/2024 20:12

Rain, rain and more rain!! It started raining at about 8.00pm last night and only stopped about an hour ago. Our grass that we cut at the weekend now needs cutting again.yell I swapped and did a morning shift on the Cathedral shop yesterday and then met a friend who I hadn't seen for a couple of months for lunch in Beckets the Cathedral cafe so we had a nice catch up. This morning I went to the Cathedral Guides meeting - we all arrived looking like drowned rats!I am always amazed and slightly intimidated by the knowledge of some of the other guides, they are like walking encyclopedias and I come away determined to 'up my game' and do more reading and research. It was a very useful and interesting meeting and good to get together with some of the other guides as we don't often see each other. As it was still raining after lunch I cleaned and tidied some of the kitchen cupboards - an exciting afternoon .

Well done on your bike ride WN. It must have given you and real lift. And well done to MIL for behaving herself while you were out.

What an amazing result for your jumble sale OP. The Scouts must be well pleased. I have helped at many jumble sales over the years but haven't heard of anyone having one for a long time. Everyone seems to give their unwanted stuff to charity shops and even more sells them online these days.

I am now going to watch Chelsea Flower Show on TV and see them all trying to dodge the rain. I don't remember Chelsea week ever being to wet before.

Well done on managing to get away from that goose Bakers. Some friends of my parents who lived in the country kept geese and they frightened me to death as a child. I have never liked them.




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