What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

mickysf replied on 25/05/2024 09:26

Posted on 25/05/2024 09:26

So sorry to hear of your loss, M. I had the pleasure of meeting her and speaking to you about your dogs at Troutbeck Head some ten or more years ago. She was truly a beautiful dog and will be much missed I’m sure.

Francis replied on 25/05/2024 20:24

Posted on 25/05/2024 20:24

Good day today I was up early and done a nice 14 mile cycle round the countryside. We then headed in to the nice little town of Callander and spent a pleasant hour walking round the shops there had a nice pint in the beer garden of one of the pubs there it was dull but quite warm. Headed back to the van just in time for the football Scottish cup final today so spent the rest of the afternoon watching that then cooked dinner on the Cadac and sat out for a while in the sun. Not sure what the plan tomorrow is will wait and see what the weather is like 

nelliethehooker replied on 25/05/2024 21:39

Posted on 25/05/2024 21:39

After a wet day on Thursday, when we only managed a few walks around the airfield and surrounding area, followed by some essential shopping, yesterday was much better and we visited the House of Duns for the woodland walk before lunch and a visit around the house afterwards. It was a guided tour and as we were the only pair on the tour we had an excellent opportunity to ask lots of questions and be provided with very wide-ranging answers. Today, after a misty start, it brightened up nicely. We visited Balgavies Loch and saw the resident Ospreys, and had an enjoyable walk around the reserve. 

Some photos from yesterday below.

Does anyone know what the strange looking object is?

nelliethehooker replied on 25/05/2024 21:54

Posted on 25/05/2024 21:54

Had a fabulous guided tour of Buckden Tower with our WI this afternoon. Was once the Bishop of Lincoln summer Palace. Katherine, using their spelling, of Aragon was there for a year before going to Kimbolton. Came into private ownership in 19th century, now belongs to the Catholic missionary. I grew up very near Leez Priory in Essex, now a wedding venue . Lots of similarities. Both worth a visit uf your in the areas. I also went into the even earlier church next door.

B2, are they both open to the general public, or does one have to book a tour, to visit them? Lovely your photo.

Kjell, you certainly have been busy since your return from your last trip. Hope all goes well with your family trip to Norway.

Francis, Enjoy your stay near Stirling, we will be heading over there, to a THS, towards the end of next week.

There has been quite a lot of coming and going on the the THS we are on at present and numbers have increased to around 50 units, of which 70% are M/Hs!

Bakers2 replied on 25/05/2024 22:26

Posted on 25/05/2024 22:26

B2, are they both open to the general public, or does one have to book a tour, to visit them? Lovely your photo.

Tours must be booked, but the grounds - didn't walk those too little time!, anytime as far as I understand - sadly no dogs, but there is a carpark with trees. Didn't suss it out for leaving a dog in the car whilst the humans walk. If I get there again, I'll say if rather then when just in case, I'll post about it. They have a website. https://www.buckden-towers.org.uk/

The church was very interesting too.  A written guide to assist exploration. 

Started beautifully here today. Brother and sister in law visited, coffee in the garden, but needed to come in after an hour. I've been given some lovely tomato and purple sprouting 😋. It turned really chilly so lunch indoors. We all went for a walk with the dog around the village. Back indoors for tea and cake. As they headed home the sun, literally as they left the cul de sac, came out and stayed out! He texted to say they were home sun all the way!

Tomorrow its Cheese Rolling, not been held since 2017. Unfortunately the forecast is - you've guessed it!, rain and thunder storms 😪

RedKite replied on 26/05/2024 08:04

Posted on 26/05/2024 08:04

Nth my OH had a look and thought a Still but not only use for brewing but used for other purposes, great photos which I must go through ours of our holiday and put a few on here seems ages ago now.

Enjoy the rest of the Bank holiday folks.

milliehull replied on 26/05/2024 20:50

Posted on 26/05/2024 20:50

Moulesy I have just caught up with your news. Both OH and I are so very sorry. We remember meeting Lady at Ferry Meadows shortly after you adopted her.She really was a lovely Lady.  I am sure you, Mrs M and Ralph are missing her dreadfully but at the end of the day we have to make that really difficult but brave decision to do what is right for her. You gave her a wonderful life and lots of love. Best wishes to you all.

milliehull replied on 26/05/2024 21:12

Posted on 26/05/2024 21:12

What a day of weather. Started off damp and grey, then the sun came out for a while. After lunch we had the mother and father of a thunderstorm with hailstones, then the sun came out again and it was quite warm for a while. We have just had another downpour. We were given some garden vouchers by some very generous friends for Christmas and yesterday we had a lovely time in The Blue Diamond garden centre spending them. We did manage to plant all our plants between the downpours today.

Glad you had a good time at Buckden Towers Bakers.  We went a few years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. Wonderful place.

Loveĺy photos again nellie.

nelliethehooker replied on 26/05/2024 21:57

Posted on 26/05/2024 21:57

Thanks, B2, if we are not able to take Flyte around I doubt that we will be visiting, unfortunately, but one never knows what might happen in the future. However we would certainly take in the church if we are in the area. Thanks for the info all the same.

RK, your husband is definitely on the right track as it was a whisky still, now in the Angus Folk Museum.

Thanks, millie. We too have had very mixed weather today, mainly rain but have managed to fit in mainly dry walks so far. The THS has thinned out with units today, now down from over 50 to around 30, and I suspect a lot more could go tomorrow.

DSB replied on 27/05/2024 00:35

Posted on 24/05/2024 09:40 by moulesy

A sad day for us yesterday when we had to say a final goodbye to our lovely old girl Lady. She turned 14 just over a week ago and had been struggling for some time since her collapse from vestibular syndrome last year. Although she had had some bad days since then she kept bouncing back but eventually it all got a bit too much for her so we made the tough decision to save her from further stress.

I know not everyone wants to read long posts about dogs so I will post a bit more about her on the pets section when I get chance to think things through and compose something.

For now, here is the last picture we took of her with Ralph, up in Derbyshire just 3 weeks ago,

Posted on 27/05/2024 00:35

So sorry to read this, Moulsey.... so sad.  Lizzie is 13 now, and has heart problems, but she struggles on - spends most of her time asleep these days!  All our good wishes.


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