Membership fees and request by Club to continue

Jogon replied on 07/04/2020 18:54

Posted on 07/04/2020 18:54

Today I received an email as most likely all club members have regarding the Membership Fees and the request that we consider continuning membership.

I/we support that request and for the following reasons:

I/we have been members for a few years now, we have enjoyed the membership, the sites and facilities along with the website and whilst we haven't always agreed with some of the site policies we have continued our membership.

These are tough times for us all and on so many different levels and whilst I do understand that it is a question of prioritising where finances are concerned (same for us) we feel that the club has benefited us greatly over the term of our membership, we're kind of proud to be a part of it.

Businesses like individuals will be hard pressed in the months to come, the Club did not get to where it is now by shrinking from it's responsibilities, neither did it get there by complacency, it got there by virtue of it's management making good decisions, by taking action when it needed to and importantly because of it's loyal members, combine the two and you can see why it's a club to stay with and continue to stay with.

In short, for us personally we will continue to pay our membership/remain a member, we won't be asking for refunds, reductions or extensions , we feel that the best support we can give the club right now is to continue our subscription throughout this terrible situation we all find ourselves in.

Of course, how we proceed won't be everyones cup of tea but in some sense diversity can add cohesion. Please keep in mind that whilst our stance may not be yours, it is ours and we like you have the ability to choose which way we're going.

We hope to holiday later in the year by taking up our annual booking, but if we are unable to because we're still in quarantine, well we can't, nothing we can do about it, it's 'life' ....which right now seems more precious than ever.


Alan14 replied on 21/04/2020 00:56

Posted on 19/04/2020 10:06 by DavidKlyne

The CMC is of course a larger organisation in terms of sites compared to the C&CC. The three other jobs you mention are not really jobs in the same sense of him being DG of the the CMC. They are also in associated organisations where I would have thought there was some advantage to the Club in him having those roles as he is able to put forward the Club's view. The Government's Furlough Scheme was put in place so companies of all varieties to retain staff, rather than make them redundant. Those people that are furloughed don't have work to do but I imagine staff left at HQ are working as normal (probably under more pressure) so I don see the rational for people's pay to be reduced in solidarity. We also don't know whether furloughed workers are having 80% allowance topped up by the Club although I am sure our regular wardens on here can confirm the current situation.


Posted on 21/04/2020 00:56

I like your thought that the 80% will be topped up by the club - but I think you're dreaming.

But I'm willing to bet that the 'chiefs' will be getting their 100% - paid for of course by us!

Mind you - I really like your description of 'not really jobs'!

 Many might think that such as being a Board Member of Tourism Alliance, or the position of Chair of Nominations Committee and Member of Finance and Audit Committee, of the
Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) Region I
Public Policy or perhaps the Elected member of Management Council helping to shape Region 1 policy on mobility, advocacy and road safety in EMEA in Brussels might actually be real (money paying) jobs. But clearly not you.
For me - I have decided. My payments to this club will cease at my year end - but I shall carry on being a member of that 'other club'.



SteveL replied on 21/04/2020 08:01

Posted on 21/04/2020 08:01

For me - I have decided. My payments to this club will cease at my year end - but I shall carry on being a member of that 'other club'.


I am OK with the stance of this club. Although I would prefer they at least offer an opt in to an extension. However, as DK suggested perhaps this might be considered once the length of closure becomes clear.

One thing is certain it is this club that will get my business once the sites reopen. They have allowed me to book sites for the latter part of this year at no cost and if I don't feel confident to take them up, when the time arises, I can cancel with no penalty. If I had wanted to do this with the C&CC I would have been tying up even more money in deposits, and so far I haven't heard anything about the £100 they already have.

Tinwheeler replied on 21/04/2020 08:50

Posted on 21/04/2020 00:32 by Alan14

I do make mistakes - It's called being human.

To answer your queries in turn:

I take my stance because I find it distasteful that the  highly paid* leaders can state "we're all in this together' whilst apparently continuing to take their high ( and hidden) incomes whilst throwing the others, such as site wardens, onto the taxpayers' cost..

I don't want to stand, and won't stand, for membership, neither should I. I'm like many members, not in the first flush of youth, and my wife (late 70's) has a heart problem, with an operation for that a few weeks ago, some things are more important than others.
So don't tell me 'the thing to do' - I've been there, and done it in the past, from Parish councillor to Magistrate and charity worker, and much as it might, annoy you - I am fully entitled to my opinion.




Posted on 21/04/2020 08:50

You having your opinion doesn't annoy me in the least, Alan, but was there really any need for such any angry tone in response to my post which was only pointing out a way forward?

However, your last paragraph tells me much. I've got you sussed now. 👍

Tinwheeler replied on 21/04/2020 08:58

Posted on 21/04/2020 08:01 by SteveL

For me - I have decided. My payments to this club will cease at my year end - but I shall carry on being a member of that 'other club'.


I am OK with the stance of this club. Although I would prefer they at least offer an opt in to an extension. However, as DK suggested perhaps this might be considered once the length of closure becomes clear.

One thing is certain it is this club that will get my business once the sites reopen. They have allowed me to book sites for the latter part of this year at no cost and if I don't feel confident to take them up, when the time arises, I can cancel with no penalty. If I had wanted to do this with the C&CC I would have been tying up even more money in deposits, and so far I haven't heard anything about the £100 they already have.

Posted on 21/04/2020 08:58

I think some folk here are forgetting the big benefit of CAMC in that they don't take/hold deposits. It seems rather shabby of C&CC not to have at least sent you a 'we're working on it' email, Steve.

I'd not booked anything with them for this year and I generally leave booking their sites until later due to the faff of deposits.

EmilysDad replied on 21/04/2020 09:08

Posted on 21/04/2020 08:01 by SteveL

For me - I have decided. My payments to this club will cease at my year end - but I shall carry on being a member of that 'other club'.


I am OK with the stance of this club. Although I would prefer they at least offer an opt in to an extension. However, as DK suggested perhaps this might be considered once the length of closure becomes clear.

One thing is certain it is this club that will get my business once the sites reopen. They have allowed me to book sites for the latter part of this year at no cost and if I don't feel confident to take them up, when the time arises, I can cancel with no penalty. If I had wanted to do this with the C&CC I would have been tying up even more money in deposits, and so far I haven't heard anything about the £100 they already have.

Posted on 21/04/2020 09:08

However, as DK suggested perhaps this might be considered once the length of closure becomes clear.

perhaps we could also quote Tinny here too re a ''we're working on it'' email .... just saying 🙄

Whittakerr replied on 21/04/2020 09:12

Posted on 21/04/2020 08:01 by SteveL

For me - I have decided. My payments to this club will cease at my year end - but I shall carry on being a member of that 'other club'.


I am OK with the stance of this club. Although I would prefer they at least offer an opt in to an extension. However, as DK suggested perhaps this might be considered once the length of closure becomes clear.

One thing is certain it is this club that will get my business once the sites reopen. They have allowed me to book sites for the latter part of this year at no cost and if I don't feel confident to take them up, when the time arises, I can cancel with no penalty. If I had wanted to do this with the C&CC I would have been tying up even more money in deposits, and so far I haven't heard anything about the £100 they already have.

Posted on 21/04/2020 09:12

Not the same experience for me. I've had a full refund for the booking i had with the CCC

EmilysDad replied on 21/04/2020 09:13

Posted on 21/04/2020 08:58 by Tinwheeler

I think some folk here are forgetting the big benefit of CAMC in that they don't take/hold deposits. It seems rather shabby of C&CC not to have at least sent you a 'we're working on it' email, Steve.

I'd not booked anything with them for this year and I generally leave booking their sites until later due to the faff of deposits.

Posted on 21/04/2020 09:13

I think some folk here are forgetting the big benefit of CAMC in that they don't take/hold deposits.

but not all consider it as a benefit 🙄

JVB66 replied on 21/04/2020 09:15

Posted on 21/04/2020 08:01 by SteveL

For me - I have decided. My payments to this club will cease at my year end - but I shall carry on being a member of that 'other club'.


I am OK with the stance of this club. Although I would prefer they at least offer an opt in to an extension. However, as DK suggested perhaps this might be considered once the length of closure becomes clear.

One thing is certain it is this club that will get my business once the sites reopen. They have allowed me to book sites for the latter part of this year at no cost and if I don't feel confident to take them up, when the time arises, I can cancel with no penalty. If I had wanted to do this with the C&CC I would have been tying up even more money in deposits, and so far I haven't heard anything about the £100 they already have.

Posted on 21/04/2020 09:15

As i posted ,the Knee Jerk reaction of  some organisations to give "extentions to memberships,  was a bit hasty , Even now there is not any real sign that any governments around the world really know what the future is , When and if this virus is going to allow any sign of the normality we mostly all enjoyed , Until then it is a case of sit it out and hope, There are many "theories" but no solid knowledge

We just have to hope that by next year the picture will be clearer ,i cannot see much  happening before then ?  I just hope

Ps none of those I know who are members in this area or those i am in contact in other parts of the UK have  ,they say , any thoughts of expecting any extension/refunds from this club ,When it is no fault of the club we are in this situation ,Two at least have bought the site vouchers,and more than the £100 ,which increases the "saving" 

EmilysDad replied on 21/04/2020 09:23

Posted on 21/04/2020 09:15 by JVB66

As i posted ,the Knee Jerk reaction of  some organisations to give "extentions to memberships,  was a bit hasty , Even now there is not any real sign that any governments around the world really know what the future is , When and if this virus is going to allow any sign of the normality we mostly all enjoyed , Until then it is a case of sit it out and hope, There are many "theories" but no solid knowledge

We just have to hope that by next year the picture will be clearer ,i cannot see much  happening before then ?  I just hope

Posted on 21/04/2020 09:23

maybe those organisations that have given or offered extensions will be considering extending their extensions if needed ... 🙄

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