What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

moulesy replied on 12/07/2019 21:01

Posted on 12/07/2019 20:36 by Oneputt

We don’t have tv in the van so will watch it on catch up on Monday

Posted on 12/07/2019 21:01

Ooh you'll have to avoid CT, someone's bound to mention it - along with the cricket result and the winner of the British Grand Prix - but my lips will be sealed (can't promise anything about the fingers though! ) wink

moulesy replied on 12/07/2019 21:17

Posted on 12/07/2019 21:17

I agree - and the great  thing is that when you look at his face after a point you just can't tell if he's won it or lost it - superb temperament.  smile

ABM replied on 12/07/2019 23:21

Posted on 12/07/2019 23:21

But one sure as hell knew which one was the winner in the end  !!

Don't think the Final will be as good, tho'  !!

ABM replied on 12/07/2019 23:35

Posted on 12/07/2019 23:35

P.S.  Good to see somebody else has been stirring Fun and Trivia with a long long paddle  smile

ABM replied on 13/07/2019 16:17

Posted on 13/07/2019 16:17

Had a nice quiet day, for a Saturday that is  laughing. Saturday puzzle pages sorted, birds fed, 'van checked over ready for the Wednesday trip to Ferry {water} Meadows  which I hope have dried out well. List made of ' refills required ' so a gentle trip now into the village corner shop { ASDA actually} so all will be ready for me on my return to top up for the motorway run down to Cornwall a day later. Must do it today 'cos tomorrow IT'S SPORTS DAY sealed!!

Plenty of grey clouds but when the sun does break through it's warm verging on the hot if I'm out of the breeze.  Hope its all satisfactory for you and whatever you are doing and wherever you are. ( Pause for breath ).Best wishes to all holidayers, ailing ones and sad ones -- May you soon find those things to bring a smile to your faces & hearts.

Please take care but do  have fun  smilecool


Wherenext replied on 13/07/2019 17:01

Posted on 13/07/2019 17:01

Have a safe journey and a good trip Brian.

Not much going on here. Ladies busy making "last minute" plans for take-off on Wednesday as they head to Lake Maggiore, leaving me to... well, do what I like.smile 

brue replied on 13/07/2019 17:14

Posted on 13/07/2019 17:14

Enjoy your travels ABM.

We had a good morning with the happy holiday makers in central Bridport, it wasn't half busy, OH and me had trouble parking (that's code for an argument wink) The big band we'd gone to see played well except when the traffic lights changed and a pesky motorbike provided background revs for Summer Time, hard to keep time with that going on! I have to say the good people of Brid enjoyed the music, in fact some put down their shopping bags and market trinkets and could be seen dancing to "Sway" at 11am in the morning, I did wonder if any of them had emerged from camp sites earlier than usual...laughing

near Malvern Hills Club Campsite Member photo by Andrew Cole

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Woman sitting in camping chair by Wastwater in the Lake District with her two dogs and picnic blanket

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