What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

Oneputt replied on 23/08/2019 20:27

Posted on 23/08/2019 18:35 by Wherenext

Was hoping we'd get a photo of Mr & Mrs.Oneputt in full Lederhosen and Dirndl mode. Not bothered who wears what!smile

Posted on 23/08/2019 20:27

Although plenty of shops selling them I don’t think we are in the market for them now.  I did wear Lederhosen many moons ago when I went to a non military school in Hamburg😜

nelliethehooker replied on 23/08/2019 21:52

Posted on 23/08/2019 08:54 by brue

Long may that last Nellie! A friend of ours went recently and the doc said to him  "see you in another fifteen years!" wink

Posted on 23/08/2019 21:52

That's what I hope to be able to say too, or use David's response.

I'm not at all surprised that they are stopping vans coming onto the C&CC's Keswick site. The last time we were there many of the grass pitches got very wet, and if they haven't replaced them with H/S ones I'd not be surprised if they've closed them off after all the rain. Feel sorry for those that are supposed to be arriving today.

Glad that you've had a good time in Shopshire, Helen. Where did you stay this time?

After getting home in the wet yesterday today has been a complete contrast. OH completed the washing and all's dry and away now, and I got the outside of the caravan cleaned, again!!



KjellNN replied on 23/08/2019 22:57

Posted on 22/08/2019 15:43 by brue

I've spoken to three different doctors recently, we only have one full timer now and the rest are locums, some days there are no doctors at all. The other local medical centre has had no-one in, senior GP ill with stress etc. However we've all adapted to this and the one week wait for prescriptions! Roll on some new trainees and a lot more back up for them.

Sorry to hear about your sister's OH Tammyg, a worrying time while they wait. Hope you get on better with your new glasses, my new ones seem a bit strong but then if I take them off I can't read a thing!

We have nice warm weather and a good Bank Holiday forecast (the one we share with NI and Wales.)

KJ, if you're looking in I'm now in possession of some Flotemysost and some Syltetoy (cloudberry.) wink

Posted on 23/08/2019 22:57

You are making my mouth water now, brue.  The cheese my sister brought over last year is long gone, though I noticed that the half size piece she brought for our daughter is still in the fridge, unopened!

The Cloudberry jam is delicious, the berries only grow in the wild, more so in Sweden than Norway, so are quite a delicacy.  If you acquire a taste for it, I believe Ikea often have it in their food area, if you are near one on your travels.

We have been keeping busy.......dentist.....another birthday......finishing the gate I was making for DD.....a bit of painting for her.....other odds and ends.......preparing wooden blanks for the pens I plan to make....and of course looking after Callum 3 afternoons per week.     Plus we are having him on Sunday as his parents are going out for lunch to celebrate a relative's birthday, posh place so not suitable for small children.

Had to get a tyre repaired on the Touareg as it was losing pressure over time, found a large nail in it.  It goes for service and first MOT on Monday, so thought it best to get it sorted first.

Oneputt replied on 24/08/2019 08:19

Posted on 24/08/2019 08:19

Very clear this morning so the mountains are displayed in all their beauty and majesty.  Have a great bank holiday weekend folk⛰🌞

RedKite replied on 24/08/2019 08:44

Posted on 24/08/2019 08:44

Going to be very hot today 36C phew so have been out cutting the lavender before breakfast as it was cooler now all done and drying in the sun.

Have a good weekend folks.

It is the last Saturday that the roads will be very busy from holiday folk going home and OH was reading on his Ipad last night that the 4 Saturdays in August that most lorries are banned from driving due to holiday traffic, we thought it was quiet the other Saturday driving up the autoroute to Bricodepot at Brive with friends for bathroom items there were very few lorries about, rules applies to anything over 7.5 tonnes also the last Saturday in July 7am to 7pm can you imagine that in the UK.

Wherenext replied on 24/08/2019 10:12

Posted on 24/08/2019 10:12

Good morning one and all.

Beautiful morning so what better way to enjoy it than to go for a walk before it gets too hot. Managed a full hour this morning without too much repercussions. Finding that being in a car is the worst for me at the moment but things progressing.

Friend of ours couldn't believe that lorries over a certain weight are banned from travelling on Sundays in many countries abroad. Exceptions apply but everyone who drives abroad know the difference a long Sunday drive can make to a normal weekday. Only trouble is finding a car park space in the service stations if you are towing or have a large M/Home. It will never catch on here.

Takethedogalong replied on 24/08/2019 10:27

Posted on 24/08/2019 10:27

We often travel on a Sunday, and it does tend to be slightly better with lorries, particularly on the A1, but what bliss to have them off completely. The M18/M180 area is one of the worst, huge car transporters weaving around, full and empty, towing and froing from docks. 

I hope those of you who haven’t been too well are picking up a bit. It’s very hot here as well, so another garden day for me. Taking a hedge out, not a task to look forward to, dusty and dirty.

brue replied on 24/08/2019 11:17

Posted on 24/08/2019 11:17

I've enjoyed reading all your posts and hope you all have a good weekend wherever and whatever you are doing. smile

The combine is still chuntering along behind our home, mechanical problems are slowing it's progress. Buzzards are scanning the cut areas.

KJ, it's been lovely to have a taste of Norway. I thought I'd show others the brown "cheese" as I've never seen or tasted anything like it before, we've pared off thin slivers, it is sweet and a bit caramel like in flavour but hard to describe! Many thanks once more. 

moulesy replied on 24/08/2019 11:17

Posted on 24/08/2019 11:17

"Weather has been lovely and it's hotting up for the weekend,"


Aaargh! Helen - how could you? yell

That phrase is one of my pet hates when Madame Kirkwood uses it! It may be getting hotter,  it may be heating up,  but it's definitely not "hotting up". Unless, of course, in October it's going to be "colding down"! laughinglaughing

KjellNN replied on 24/08/2019 11:36

Posted on 24/08/2019 11:17 by brue

I've enjoyed reading all your posts and hope you all have a good weekend wherever and whatever you are doing. smile

The combine is still chuntering along behind our home, mechanical problems are slowing it's progress. Buzzards are scanning the cut areas.

KJ, it's been lovely to have a taste of Norway. I thought I'd show others the brown "cheese" as I've never seen or tasted anything like it before, we've pared off thin slivers, it is sweet and a bit caramel like in flavour but hard to describe! Many thanks once more. 

Posted on 24/08/2019 11:36

Looks good......did they not bring you an osthoevel to attack it with?!

Literally a "cheese plane".

They are available in UK, but I am very surprised that they have not caught on more here.

You will find them in specialist cook shops and, trying not to sound like I am in their pay, in the market hall at Ikea!

On Amazon too.....

Cheese Cutter

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