What are you all up to

Oneputt replied on 13/12/2016 07:57

Posted on 13/12/2016 07:57

Got back from Fisher Field yesterday after a great weekend away.  Downside is van is filthy bit that will have to wait, more important jollities to enjoytongue-out House more or less decorated although not bothering with outside

moulesy replied on 05/12/2021 14:51

Posted on 05/12/2021 14:40 by SeasideBill

“….There are only two views on the death penalty - for or against….”

But that’s not right, hence the question I posed in my post above. It’s far more complex than that. Just claiming some high moral ground because one considers oneself higher up the evolutionary scale than others holding disparate views doesn’t really answer the question.

Posted on 05/12/2021 14:51

Bill - I'm not claiming any moral high ground,  or evolutionary superiority, just expressing my opinion. 

But, if it truly is more complex than "for or against" then each individual case must come down to some human judgement and that has proved over and over again to be fallible (not just in cases of murder). 

Anyway, that's my last word on the subject, I suspect most comments ate going to be removed at some stage anyway. 

SeasideBill replied on 05/12/2021 15:00

Posted on 05/12/2021 14:51 by moulesy

Bill - I'm not claiming any moral high ground,  or evolutionary superiority, just expressing my opinion. 

But, if it truly is more complex than "for or against" then each individual case must come down to some human judgement and that has proved over and over again to be fallible (not just in cases of murder). 

Anyway, that's my last word on the subject, I suspect most comments ate going to be removed at some stage anyway. 

Posted on 05/12/2021 15:00

I agree you are not the one(s) claiming evolutionary superiority. 


Tinwheeler replied on 05/12/2021 15:31

Posted on 05/12/2021 15:00 by SeasideBill

I agree you are not the one(s) claiming evolutionary superiority. 


Posted on 05/12/2021 15:31

I don’t think anyone is claiming that. Society has evolved, times and thinking of the majority have changed. It’s a fact.

Francis replied on 05/12/2021 15:53

Posted on 05/12/2021 15:53

Nice to see/read about all the decorations going up. We got home early this afternoon from a nice weekend at Strathclyde Park club site which was surprisingly busy. We went across to Edinburgh yesterday and had a lovely afternoon with second oldest son and the grandkids nice to see them again. By the time we left their house the snow was very heavy and it was a near whiteout but things cleared up as we got nearer Glasgow. Spend last night just in the van had to leave the heating on overnight as the temp was below 0. Got up this morning and it was very frosty but bright sunshine luckily by the time we had packed up the ice had all gone so it was an easy 1 hour tow home today. WN and Nellie will be pleased to know that I got the Volvo washed as soon as we got home as it was covered in grit and salt so it’s now sparkly clean again didn’t bother washing the van as it had stayed quite clean plus we are planning to go away again between Christmas and New year so will wait until we come home from that trip before washing it.


Hope everyone else has had a nice weekend

RedKite replied on 05/12/2021 16:44

Posted on 05/12/2021 16:44

Lovely photo DSB not sure about the snow outside though brr.

A dull damp day here but has gone very chilly and even had some sunshine this afternoon.

OH has been busy looking through old Birmingham history ie. old schools and photos even old photos of Lewis's store years ago we both saw Santa there when we were children I remember the staircase upto Santa's grotto as we have said we might have been in the same queue he was local I was living in Shropshire at that time gosh memories.

Enjoy the rest of your holiday TG and a safe return, we have a friend here who is flying over to UK on 20th December to have xmas with her family and then back here in early January and bet she will not be happy with the new testing regime but it has to be done.

OH goes for early blood test tomorrow 8am and then later in the day off to Cahors for heart check so all go but I will go with him pm as I can pop into Yve Rocher shop for a few items, then he has Doctor's Thursday morning again I can go with him as a bit more shopping and the local butchers.

JVB66 replied on 05/12/2021 16:45

Posted on 05/12/2021 14:09 by Tammygirl

I'm firmly in the camp of the death penalty. Where there is absolute proof that the person/persons did the dispicable act then they should pay with their life. If they have such little regard for others why should we even allow them to live, even in prison.

The likes of the killing and torture of Little Arthur, the brutal slaying of soldier Lee Rigby, the mindless evil of the Manchester arena. All of these horrible acts were planned and deliberate, as such they should carry the death penalty.

We are in the 21 century and our detection methods are way more scientific than in the past. When there is absolute proof then yes.

Just bringing a death penalty back into justice might focus some of these criminals, its certainly worth considering. 

Posted on 05/12/2021 16:45

I agree  with you, when there is as you say 100per cent proof that cannot in the future.be found not to have been the case, as has happened in the past

KjellNN replied on 05/12/2021 19:10

Posted on 05/12/2021 19:10

Sunny day here, but very cold.  Still feeling rather under the weather, though improving, just hope I can stop coughing while at the outpatients tomorrow to have my arm checked.  

It is feeling a bit better, and I can now operate a light switch with one finger, and even managed to help OH fold some washing, though holding anything between thumb and first finger is still painful.

Made a start on writing our Christmas cards, about half way through the list.  Some are just cards, some are cards with a letter, the rest are e mails with some pictures.   Mainly to my (very large) family in Norway as postage charges have become extremely high!

DD has started assembling the new shelves in the garage, so will come tomorrow am to continue, then she will take me to the hospital in the afternoon.

milliehull replied on 05/12/2021 19:23

Posted on 05/12/2021 19:23

Hope all goes well at your hospital appointment tomorrow KjellNN and that your cough improves soon.


brue replied on 05/12/2021 19:29

Posted on 05/12/2021 16:44 by RedKite

Lovely photo DSB not sure about the snow outside though brr.

A dull damp day here but has gone very chilly and even had some sunshine this afternoon.

OH has been busy looking through old Birmingham history ie. old schools and photos even old photos of Lewis's store years ago we both saw Santa there when we were children I remember the staircase upto Santa's grotto as we have said we might have been in the same queue he was local I was living in Shropshire at that time gosh memories.

Enjoy the rest of your holiday TG and a safe return, we have a friend here who is flying over to UK on 20th December to have xmas with her family and then back here in early January and bet she will not be happy with the new testing regime but it has to be done.

OH goes for early blood test tomorrow 8am and then later in the day off to Cahors for heart check so all go but I will go with him pm as I can pop into Yve Rocher shop for a few items, then he has Doctor's Thursday morning again I can go with him as a bit more shopping and the local butchers.

Posted on 05/12/2021 19:29

Another one here who used to visit Lewis's! I also remember a character called Mr Holly, dressed in green....? (I was reading about our old UK Father Christmases who always wore green, then the USA red attire took over.) My grandparents lived in B'ham so we had lots of treats when we visited. My Granny worked as as a milliner in Lewis's before she married. smile

Glad you are feeling a bit better KJ, healing is a slow process.

Francis, I have gone off snow! Glad you got back home ok. 🐧🐧

DEBSC replied on 05/12/2021 22:01

Posted on 05/12/2021 22:01

I don’t really believe in the death penalty, but I think that sentences should be longer. Often only half a sentence is actually served. The sentence for murder should be a life time in prison. In the USA sentences are rightly so much longer. Some murderers seem to be released after as little as fifteen years, how can this be justice. At least she must serve the full 29 years and hopefully longer. How can these people hurt these poor little mites.

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