Overnight campers' action

Rufs replied on 19/11/2018 14:23

Posted on 19/11/2018 14:23

i quote from our local Conservative news letter, just received

"Motorhome overnighting along the Meon Shore road has increased significantly during this summer. Action is in hand to make the signage clearer and Hill Head Councillors will discuss with officers the best way to prevent a recurrence next summer"

so far from encouraging MH camping in local car parks as a number of members have been advocating, to fall in line with our collegues in Europe, my local council along with others in this area "Hampshire" are actively discouraging. Nothing against MH owners but I support this action, on the grounds that the area is fast becoming an unofficial MH park, and of course there are always the few that go the extra mile and abuse what are unofficial camping facilities, e.g. emptying toilet cassettes in the public toilets, cramming all their garbage into local waste bins, taking up all the car park bays, and using them as their own personal camping area, sometimes 2 bays. Being a caravaner I have never used an Aires, do the facilities that are provided officially within Europe get abused in the same way?, I know the adage "the few spoil it for the many", but we are being overrun by the many, probably because a lot of our sea front parking is free, something as locals, we cherish and would not want to loose as a result of overnight campers etc. Is there something amiss with us Brits or are our EU counterparts just as bad ? 

I should add as a footnote, although our local council are not massively in debt there are certainly no funds in the kitty to provide Aires type facilities, well not in the present climate, and even if they were, I am not sure local people would support such expenditure, ok the local ice cream shops may make a little bit extra, but i think most of the additional spend would go to the out of town super markets and not local shops. I do believe MH's are becoming a problem.

Tinwheeler replied on 24/11/2018 17:37

Posted on 24/11/2018 17:28 by Takethedogalong

You’ll know the beach Tinny, St Ives Bay. Lots of sand dunes between rail track and the beach. A stroll through the dunes was a real eye opener in the Summer. Naked men everywhere, they would “pop up” unexpectedly from behind grassy tussocks. Never a problem for us, we sent the Airedale’s in first, cue lots of swearing and a mad dash for clothes. We used to call them poppers, not true naturists, a bit different if you get my drift. wink Occasionally one would strut down the beach, not a stitch on, but once the cold water hit they weren’t quite so full of themselves. We did get one who wanted his photo taking with our dogs. Probably made that month’s Centre spread!surprisedcool

You would get the odd camper van down at Dynamite Quay when you could still park down there, overlooking those cabins in the dunes across the river. But it was never taken over, just the odd one or two.

Posted on 24/11/2018 17:37

Ah, yes. Close to Philps country. 😎

replied on 24/11/2018 17:38

Posted on 24/11/2018 17:31 by young thomas

I wouldn't object to a 'cars free, MH overnight £X' policy...

im more than happy to pay the going rate to overnight in my van...yes, I mainly use free Parkings but to be in (say) exmouth (which we like) for a couple of nights and we'd happily pay a sensible rate.

perhaps Rufs (and his towns folk) could keep their free parking yet still accommodate paying MHs, in tandem...

having said that, this is totally the opposite to many of the car parks 'over there'....(of course)... where charging (for all vehicles) is levied during the daytime where spaces are in demand, and then charges are relaxed after (say)7pm through to 9am when there's virtually no one around..


Posted on 24/11/2018 17:38

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Rufs replied on 24/11/2018 17:40

Posted on 24/11/2018 17:40

BB"yes, I mainly use free Parkings why ?" I am sure in most areas that you visit there are CAMP SITES, Oh! i forgot you want free camping perhaps at the expense of local tax payers who have to maintain car parks, public toilets etc, get real frown   

moulesy replied on 24/11/2018 17:46

Posted on 24/11/2018 17:28 by Takethedogalong

You’ll know the beach Tinny, St Ives Bay. Lots of sand dunes between rail track and the beach. A stroll through the dunes was a real eye opener in the Summer. Naked men everywhere, they would “pop up” unexpectedly from behind grassy tussocks. Never a problem for us, we sent the Airedale’s in first, cue lots of swearing and a mad dash for clothes. We used to call them poppers, not true naturists, a bit different if you get my drift. wink Occasionally one would strut down the beach, not a stitch on, but once the cold water hit they weren’t quite so full of themselves. We did get one who wanted his photo taking with our dogs. Probably made that month’s Centre spread!surprisedcool

You would get the odd camper van down at Dynamite Quay when you could still park down there, overlooking those cabins in the dunes across the river. But it was never taken over, just the odd one or two.

Posted on 24/11/2018 17:46

Porth Kidney Sands?  No wonder Mrs M was so miffed when I forgot to take the binoculars last time we did that walk! surprised

Tinwheeler replied on 24/11/2018 17:47

Posted on 24/11/2018 17:33 by Rufs

Obviously on the defensive again as no constructive comment to make, I dont know what makes some MH'ers think they have the right to park just about anywhere and dictate what local policy should be in a local area for which they contribute nothing. Oh sorry as I think somebody else referred to "you have been reading the glossy brochures re living the good life in your expensive castles on wheels" but now you are finding the good life more and more difficult to find,  unless you pay, which some of you seem very reluctant to do.

Posted on 24/11/2018 17:47

I'm not in the least defensive, Rufs, as I have nothing to defend. I’m very happy to pay for the good life and have never freeloaded in my life. I can see both sides of this argument but, if you read it all again, I think you’ll find I’ve been pretty neutral.

I think you're getting mixed up again and misconstruing a bit of light hearted banter aimed at those who take themselves sooo seriously.

young thomas replied on 24/11/2018 17:52

Posted on 24/11/2018 17:52

Rufs, you don't try very hard to hide your (not) love of MHs...

leaving aside all the caravan/MH baggage, the prime reason that most folk choose a MH ais that it is a vehicle in its own right, perfectly entitled to drive and park wherever restrictions allow.

just because it's a MH there's no need to be so anti....

i realise that caravans don't have the same impromptu ability to 'get up and go', nor to 'pull in and stop' and this is why MH owners don't need a site to overnight...

if we just stopped over for (say) one night, we wouldn't use any of the facilities at a campsite so why would I want to pay £15-£35 for that (not required) privelige?

ok, if staying for a longer period, we might make use of what a site has to offer but unless it's something tangible like a pool or bar/restaurant as we find on most of our continental stops, i don't need a site.

our water and grey waste lasts many days, toilet the main issue but three days is fine...

so the exmouth timings of 2/3 days is usually plenty for most who are touring..and if there wasa similar facility in more towns, MHs wouldn't linger as they could soonbe off exploring the next town.


replied on 24/11/2018 18:00

Posted on 24/11/2018 17:37 by Tinwheeler

Ah, yes. Close to Philps country. 😎

Posted on 24/11/2018 18:00

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replied on 24/11/2018 18:05

Posted on 24/11/2018 17:38 by

Reminds me of the time we were physically stopped by a local from putting money in a meter in Lagos before 9 am, so after that we were always down at the fish market in time to get away before 9

Posted on 24/11/2018 18:05

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young thomas replied on 24/11/2018 18:09

Posted on 24/11/2018 18:00 by

Objection.  Mention of the premier Pasty producer is playing outside the rules laughing.

Posted on 24/11/2018 18:09


Takethedogalong replied on 24/11/2018 18:09

Posted on 24/11/2018 18:09

Our idea of heaven! This beach is like this in August!


near Malvern Hills Club Campsite Member photo by Andrew Cole

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