Enjoying birdwatching

Andrew Ditton admits his ignorance of all things feathered has prevented him from visiting RSPB reserves on more than one occasion. To put things right he attended a 90-minute guided walk at Bempton Cliffs where he was dazzled by fascinating facts and entranced by puffins and gannets.

 By Andrew Ditton | 27 Sep 2018

You don’t need to be an expert

I have allowed my ignorance of all things feathered to prevent me from visiting RSPB reserves on more than one occasion. What would be the point in going if I didn’t know what I was looking at? How would I even know the best times of the year to go?

It turns out you only have to look at the RSPB’s website to find:

  • reserves near to where you're staying.
  • a synopsis of what kinds of bird frequent an area.
  • what different times certain birds visit.

Being a complete bird spotting beginner, I did my research and booked myself onto a guided walk at RSPB Bempton Cliffs.

Bempton Cliffs in East Yorkshire

Where to stay

Stay at the newly-extended Bridlington Club site, just 4 miles from RSPB's Bempton Cliffs.

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